Datenspuren 2023

Version 0.54 Sept. 17, 2023

We released a new schedule version!

Version 0.53 Sept. 17, 2023

zomstream - a small lightning talk just happend

We have a new session: “Zomstream” by Lino, Xyrill .

Version 0.52 Sept. 17, 2023

small adjustments for the voc

Version 0.51 Sept. 17, 2023

new lighning task that already passed

Version 0.50 Sept. 16, 2023

Wir eine neue Programmversion veröffentlicht!

We have moved a session around: “Gesprächsrunde: Einfach mitgestalten” (Bar → farbwerk)

Version 0.49 Sept. 16, 2023

Wir eine neue Programmversion veröffentlicht!

Version 0.48 Sept. 16, 2023

Wir eine neue Programmversion veröffentlicht!

We have moved a session around: “ChaosZone Treffen” by vv01f (Sept. 16, 2023, 4:45 p.m. → Sept. 16, 2023, 5 p.m.)

Version 0.47 Sept. 16, 2023

Wir eine neue Programmversion veröffentlicht!

We have a new session: “ChaosZone Treffen” by vv01f .

Version 0.46 Sept. 16, 2023

Wir eine neue Programmversion veröffentlicht!

We have a new session: “Rhizomatique präsentiert: Man-in-the-MIDI-attack” by Rhizomatique .

Version 0.45 Sept. 16, 2023

no scedule changes, title and description refinments

Version 0.44 Sept. 15, 2023

fix ukraine meetup time

We have moved a session around: “Ukraine Support Meetup (De/En)” (Sept. 16, 2023, 1:30 p.m. → Sept. 16, 2023, 12:30 p.m.)

Version 0.43 Sept. 15, 2023

Wir eine neue Programmversion veröffentlicht!

We sadly had to cancel a session: “Einstieg in Nix & NixOS” by sandro

Version 0.42 Sept. 15, 2023

Moved the event on Belarus to Friday and event in Israel to Sunday.

We have a new session: “Party” by C3D2 .

Sadly, we had to cancel sessions:

  • “Rhizomatique präsentiert: Man-in-the-MIDI-attack” by Rhizomatique
  • “Censorship and repressions in internet in Russia since full scale invasion of Ukraine” by LiTa

We had to move some sessions, so if you were planning on seeing them, check their new dates or locations:

Version 0.41 Sept. 13, 2023

Lightning Talks! Wir eine neue Programmversion veröffentlicht!

We have a new session: “Lightning Talks” by t3sserakt .

Version 0.40 Sept. 13, 2023

Wir eine neue Programmversion veröffentlicht!

We have new sessions!

We have moved a session around: “Beim Hacken zuschauen” by klobs (Sept. 16, 2023, 10:15 p.m., Bar → Sept. 16, 2023, 9:15 p.m., Small Hall).

Version 0.39 Sept. 12, 2023

Wir eine neue Programmversion veröffentlicht!

We have a new session: “Modern left and anarchists in Israel” .

We have moved a session around: “Militant protest and prisoners' support in russia during the war” by LiTa (Sept. 15, 2023, 7 p.m. → Sept. 15, 2023, 6:35 p.m.)

Version 0.38 Sept. 12, 2023

fix time of How To Action Kueche

We sadly had to cancel a session: “Radical medical work with refugees in Calais, France” by LiTa

We have moved a session around: “How to Action-Kueche!” by Black Wok (Sept. 16, 2023, 4:30 p.m. → Sept. 16, 2023, 2:30 p.m.)

Version 0.37 Sept. 10, 2023

Wir eine neue Programmversion veröffentlicht!

Version 0.36 Sept. 9, 2023

Wir eine neue Programmversion veröffentlicht!

We have new sessions!

We have moved a session around: “CMS Dresden” by vv01f, J03, t3sserakt, nac (Sept. 16, 2023, 6:30 p.m. → Sept. 16, 2023, 3:15 p.m.)

Version 0.35 Sept. 7, 2023

Fixed Fried Friday Finish Failure

Version 0.34 Sept. 7, 2023

Wir eine neue Programmversion veröffentlicht!

We have new sessions!

We have moved a session around: “Documentary TROM II: A Message To The Aliens (2023)” (Sept. 17, 2023, 1:05 p.m. → Sept. 17, 2023, 1 p.m.)

Version 0.33 Sept. 6, 2023

Programm durchgeschaut und für gut befunden.

We have new sessions!

We have moved a session around: “WTF Meetup” by ajuvo (Sept. 16, 2023, 1:30 p.m., Seminarraum → Sept. 16, 2023, 12:45 p.m., Cabinet).

Version 0.32 Sept. 6, 2023

Zwischenstand DS Treffen

We have new sessions!

Sadly, we had to cancel sessions:

  • “Lita Dinge im Kabinett Samstag” by LiTa
  • “Lita Dinge im Kabinett Sonntag” by LiTa

We had to move some sessions, so if you were planning on seeing them, check their new dates or locations:

Version 0.31 Sept. 6, 2023

What Computers still cannot do. Wir haben eine neue Programmversion veröffentlicht!

We have new sessions!

Version 0.30 Sept. 6, 2023

Einfach gestalten hinzu. Wir eine neue Programmversion veröffentlicht!

We have new sessions!

Version 0.29 Aug. 27, 2023

Wir eine neue Programmversion veröffentlicht!

We have new sessions!

Version 0.28 Aug. 23, 2023

Wir eine neue Programmversion veröffentlicht!

We have a new session: “Pentaradio live!” by Simon Liebing, Honky, Mole, Xyrill .

Version 0.27 Aug. 23, 2023

Wir eine neue Programmversion veröffentlicht!

We have new sessions!

Version 0.26 Aug. 15, 2023

current version

We have moved a session around: “From social democracy to totalitarism, the militarization of northern societies (the french example)” by LiTa (Sept. 16, 2023, 7:55 p.m. → Sept. 16, 2023, 8 p.m.)

Version 0.25 Aug. 15, 2023

current programversion

We have new sessions!

We have moved a session around: “CCC Regio-Treffen” by Wolf, gnom (Sept. 16, 2023, 2 p.m. → Sept. 16, 2023, 3 p.m.)

Version 0.24 Aug. 10, 2023

newes program version

We have new sessions!

Version 0.238 Aug. 10, 2023

fixed sonntag

We have new sessions!

Version 0.237 Aug. 10, 2023

fixed saturday

We have new sessions!

Version 0.236 Aug. 10, 2023

fixed freitag

Version 0.2358 Aug. 10, 2023

Schedule für Vortragende? Wir eine neue Programmversion veröffentlicht!

Sadly, we had to cancel sessions:

  • “WTF Meetup” by ajuvo
  • “Closing” by koeart
  • “FormsWizard — To be prepared for the next crisis” by J03
  • “ChatGPT Dialoge” by J03, ChatGPT
  • “CCC Regio-Treffen” by Wolf, gnom
  • “Mit Esperanto Sprache hacken” by Lino
  • “Nadelmagie: Eine Einführung in die Maschinenstickerei” by Ückück
  • “Was hat sich durch das sächsische Transparenzgesetz geändert?” by Ückück
  • “Opening” by koeart
  • “Heimserver aufsetzen und verwalten mit YunoHost” by Aaron
  • “Das kleine 1x1 der sicheren Computernutzung” by Nek0
  • “Keyboard Meetup” by Frank

Version 0.2356 Aug. 10, 2023

Program version with correct time slots for speakers

Version 0.2355 Aug. 10, 2023


We have new sessions!

Version 0.234 Aug. 10, 2023

Sonntag gefixt. Zeitproblem.

We had to move some sessions, so if you were planning on seeing them, check their new dates or locations:

Version 0.233 Aug. 10, 2023

samstag gefixt, time bug: shown planning schedule is 1 hour off

We had to move some sessions, so if you were planning on seeing them, check their new dates or locations:

Version 0.231 Aug. 10, 2023

Wir eine neue Programmversion veröffentlicht!

We have a new session: “Nadelmagie: Eine Einführung in die Maschinenstickerei” by Ückück .

We have moved a session around: “Das kleine 1x1 der sicheren Computernutzung” by Nek0 (Sept. 16, 2023, 1 p.m. → Sept. 16, 2023, noon)

Version 0.23 Aug. 9, 2023

erste Version