Datenspuren 2024

Grenades in Maqluba (movie) [OmU]
2024-09-21 , IZ
Language: English

Movie and discussion

Am 21.09. laden wir zur Filmvorführung “Grenades in Maqluba” im Rahmen der A-Tage ein. Im Anschluss wird es eine Diskussion mit der Filmemacherin Xénia Gomes Adães geben und ein Video-Call mit einem Bewohner aus Masafer Yatta geben. Sprache des Films ist Arabisch/Englisch mit Englischen Untertiteln.

„Grenades in Maqluba“ tells the personal stories of the people living in the southern part of the West Bank, Palestine. Through firsthand accounts and oral histories, the documentary sheds light on the inhabitants’ daily life dependent on livestock and agriculture in the area of the South Hebron Hills including the villages of Masafer Yatta. However, life in this area transcends the idyllic rural setting. The inhabitants face ongoing challenges due to settler violence from nearby illegal settlements and the presence of military occupation.
The film captures the voices of the non-violent Palestinian resistance and gives insight in how these communities use the means of livestock and agriculture not just for survival but as powerful forms of resilience striving for justice.