Former Libertarian Days in Dresden are now called Anarchist Days!

Our fight for freedom knows no peace!

2024: the full scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia goes on, the spiral of violence in the Middle East conflict is continuing and escalating into a new war in Gaza, and the climate catastrophe is becoming ever more obviously unstoppable. And Saxony? A historic election is likely to take place here in September, which will also reflect the authoritarian and openly right-wing tendencies in the Saxon state parliament.

Our fight for freedom continues, even and especially in these strange times.

For us, an integral part of this struggle is mutual understanding, community and solidarity. To this end, we want to network, exchange ideas and learn from each other. It does not matter if you are new to the topic of anarchism or you have been visiting Libertarian days for years. Drop by and bring your friends/comrades with you!

This year’s Anarchist Days will therefore be a week full of workshops, discussions and practical skills training. We also want to take time for art, culture, a zine festival, a programme for children and delicious vegan food.

To this end, people from Dresden, but also from other places in Germany and around the world, will come to Dresden to share motivating experiences, exciting knowledge and sad, devastating experiences and fates.

Datenspuren meets Anarchist Days- “The Anarchist Datadays”

On the weekend of 20.-22.9. Anarchist Days are cooperating with Datenspuren which is a series of events by Chaos Computer Club Dresden (C3D2). The yard of the Zentralwerk is a great place to be! From saturday on you can look forward to a whole bunch of info book-/zinestands and infotables. Maybe we’ll even have Crêpes!

Wanna help?

We are very much looking forward to your support through that busy week, either with taking over community kitchen/KüfA, organizing or doing awareness shifts, decorating, cleaning, building and so on. If you want to support, feel free to contact us via:

Let’s be careful with each other so we can be dangerous together! <3 (A)