Version 2.7 Sept. 17, 2022
meta data change for voc
Version 2.6 Sept. 17, 2022
music a bit earlier
We had to move some sessions, so if you were planning on seeing them, check their new dates or locations:
- “pentaMusic” by koeart (Sept. 17, 2022, 10:40 p.m. → Sept. 17, 2022, 10 p.m.)
- “Live Musik” by eri, C3D2 (Sept. 17, 2022, 11:40 p.m. → Sept. 17, 2022, 11:05 p.m.)
Version 2.5 Sept. 17, 2022
We released a new schedule version!
We have a new session: “NixOS Meetup” by Tassilo, Astro.
Version 2.3 Sept. 17, 2022
We released a new schedule version!
We have a new session: “nixos Hacking”.
We had to move some sessions, so if you were planning on seeing them, check their new dates or locations:
- “pentaMusic” by koeart (Small Hall → Bar/Foyer)
- “Nixos Hacking” by Tassilo (Sept. 17, 2022, 5:50 p.m., Small Hall → Sept. 17, 2022, noon, Vestibule Small Room)
- “Live Musik” by eri, C3D2 (Small Hall → Bar/Foyer)
Version 2.1 Sept. 17, 2022
resceduling and room changes
We had to move some sessions, so if you were planning on seeing them, check their new dates or locations:
- “Nixos Hacking” by Tassilo (Sept. 17, 2022, 5:10 p.m. → Sept. 17, 2022, 5:50 p.m.)
- “microvm.nix” by Astro (Sept. 17, 2022, 6:05 p.m., Small Hall → Sept. 17, 2022, 2:45 p.m., Main Hall)
Version 2 Sept. 17, 2022
resceduling and one new video talk
We have a new session: “War Communication in Ukrainian Social Media Space” by Artem Zakharchenko.
We had to move some sessions, so if you were planning on seeing them, check their new dates or locations:
- “Nixos Hacking” by Tassilo (Sept. 17, 2022, 2:45 p.m., Main Hall → Sept. 17, 2022, 5:10 p.m., Small Hall)
- “microvm.nix” by Astro (Sept. 17, 2022, 5:45 p.m. → Sept. 17, 2022, 6:05 p.m.)
Version 1.43 Sept. 17, 2022
We released a new schedule version!
We had to move some sessions, so if you were planning on seeing them, check their new dates or locations:
- “Antifa Handarbeitsworkshop | antifa Needlework-workshop” by Libertäre Tage Dresden (Sept. 17, 2022, 1:45 p.m., Bar/Foyer → Sept. 17, 2022, 11:45 a.m., Small Hall)
- “Nixos Hacking” by Tassilo (Small Hall → Main Hall)
Version 1.42 Sept. 17, 2022
Wir eine neue Programmversion veröffentlicht!
We have new sessions!
Version 1.2 Sept. 16, 2022
Music now at Bar.
We had to move some sessions, so if you were planning on seeing them, check their new dates or locations:
- “Live Musik” by eri, C3D2 (Sept. 17, 2022, 11:15 p.m., Main Hall → Sept. 17, 2022, 11:40 p.m., Small Hall)
- “pentaMusic” by koeart (Sept. 17, 2022, 10 p.m., Main Hall → Sept. 17, 2022, 10:40 p.m., Small Hall)
Version 1.1 Sept. 16, 2022
New Talk!
We have a new session: “Einführung in NixOS - Installation und Verwaltung” by winzlieb.
We had to move some sessions, so if you were planning on seeing them, check their new dates or locations:
- “Antifa Handarbeitsworkshop | antifa Needlework-workshop” by Libertäre Tage Dresden (Sept. 17, 2022, noon, IZ Backyard → Sept. 17, 2022, 1:45 p.m., Bar/Foyer)
- “Mentale Selbstverteidigung” by Libertäre Tage Dresden (IZ Backyard → Seminar room)
Version 0.5 Sept. 16, 2022
Workshop "Elektronische Basteleien und kleine Roboter" cancelled.
We sadly had to cancel a session: “Elektronische Basteleien und kleine Roboter” by Heike
We had to move some sessions, so if you were planning on seeing them, check their new dates or locations:
- “Gemeinsame Ökonomie” by Libertäre Tage Dresden (IZ Backyard → Small Hall)
- “Antifa Handarbeitsworkshop | antifa Needlework-workshop” by Libertäre Tage Dresden (Sept. 18, 2022, noon, Seminar room → Sept. 17, 2022, noon, IZ Backyard)
Version 0.43 Sept. 14, 2022
Current Fahrplan development
We have new sessions!
Version 0.42 Sept. 12, 2022
Wir eine neue Programmversion veröffentlicht!
We have a new session: “Begrüßung”.
We had to move some sessions, so if you were planning on seeing them, check their new dates or locations:
- “Open Data: Receive it Yourself” by Tassilo, 0x4, Marenz (Sept. 17, 2022, 1 p.m. → Sept. 17, 2022, 1:30 p.m.)
- “Modernes Web-Development in Haskell am Beispiel des Projektes "mateamt"” by Nek0 (Small Hall → Main Hall)
- “Resultat” by koeart (Sept. 18, 2022, 4:05 p.m. → Sept. 18, 2022, 5 p.m.)
- “Nadelmagie: Eine Einführung in die Maschinenstickerei” by Basti n00b0ss (Sept. 17, 2022, 3:45 p.m. → Sept. 17, 2022, 4 p.m.)
- “Nixos Hacking” by Tassilo (Sept. 17, 2022, 2:15 p.m. → Sept. 17, 2022, 2:45 p.m.)
Version 0.3 Sept. 10, 2022
pretty decent
We have new sessions!
We had to move some sessions, so if you were planning on seeing them, check their new dates or locations:
- “Analoge Fotografie in der Digitalen Welt” by Heiko Stübner (Sept. 17, 2022, 4:50 p.m., Small Hall → Sept. 18, 2022, 2:30 p.m., Main Hall)
- “Geschichte und Entwicklung physikalischer Modelle” by gnibeil (Sept. 17, 2022, 11 a.m. → Sept. 17, 2022, noon)
- “Comics zeichnen mit freier Software” by Nek0 (Sept. 17, 2022, 6 p.m., Small Hall → Sept. 17, 2022, 7 p.m., Main Hall)
- “Building a better-verse” by betalars (Sept. 17, 2022, 12:30 p.m., Small Hall → Sept. 18, 2022, 1 p.m., Main Hall)
- “The Repúblicas Of Coimbra - A subculture of communal living in Portugal” by Libertäre Tage Dresden (Sept. 17, 2022, 8:15 p.m. → Sept. 17, 2022, 8:30 p.m.)
- “Queer Animals - Why Animal Liberation is a Queer Issue” by Libertäre Tage Dresden (Main Hall → Small Hall)
- “#Vorratsdatenspeicherung stoppen – in Deutschland und der EU!” by Patrick Breyer (Sept. 17, 2022, 8:15 p.m. → Sept. 17, 2022, 8:30 p.m.)
- “microvm.nix” by Astro (Sept. 17, 2022, 2 p.m., Main Hall → Sept. 17, 2022, 5:45 p.m., Small Hall)
- “Nadelmagie: Eine Einführung in die Maschinenstickerei” by Basti n00b0ss (Sept. 17, 2022, 3:30 p.m. → Sept. 17, 2022, 3:45 p.m.)
- “Nixos Hacking” by Tassilo (Sept. 17, 2022, 12:30 p.m., Main Hall → Sept. 17, 2022, 2:15 p.m., Small Hall)
- “Open Data: Receive it Yourself” by Tassilo, 0x4, Marenz (Sept. 18, 2022, 2 p.m. → Sept. 17, 2022, 1 p.m.)
Version 0.2 Sept. 10, 2022
lita talks sorted
We have new sessions!
- “Geschichte und Entwicklung physikalischer Modelle” by gnibeil
- “Elektronische Basteleien und kleine Roboter” by Heike
- “Let's make some traditional Ukrainian folk dolls” by Anastasia But
- “Revolutionäre Stadtteilarbeit” by Libertäre Tage Dresden
- “Modernes Web-Development in Haskell am Beispiel des Projektes "mateamt"” by Nek0
- “Comics zeichnen mit freier Software” by Nek0
- “Building a better-verse” by betalars
- “Landkarten Triathlon” by flupke, Polaris
- “Lockpicking” by 0x4
- “Analoge Fotografie in der Digitalen Welt” by Heiko Stübner
- “Nixos Hacking” by Tassilo
- “Open Data: Receive it Yourself” by Tassilo, 0x4, Marenz
- “Kryptographie nachrechnen am Beispiel von Threema” by Nerd Norbert
- “microvm.nix” by Astro
- “Nadelmagie: Eine Einführung in die Maschinenstickerei” by Basti n00b0ss
We had to move some sessions, so if you were planning on seeing them, check their new dates or locations:
- “Die Kombination von Anarchismus, Feminismus und Tierbefreiung” by Libertäre Tage Dresden (IZ Backyard → Seminar room)
- “Gemeinsame Ökonomie” by Libertäre Tage Dresden (Sept. 16, 2022, 4:25 p.m., Seminar room → Sept. 16, 2022, 3:30 p.m., IZ Backyard)
- “Against the war in Ukraine? Anarchist solidarity work with activists in the war zone” by Libertäre Tage Dresden (IZ Backyard → Main Hall)
- “Mentale Selbstverteidigung” by Libertäre Tage Dresden (Sept. 18, 2022, 10 a.m., Bar/Foyer → Sept. 18, 2022, noon, IZ Backyard)
- “The Repúblicas Of Coimbra - A subculture of communal living in Portugal” by Libertäre Tage Dresden (Sept. 17, 2022, 8 p.m., IZ Backyard → Sept. 17, 2022, 8:15 p.m., Small Hall)
- “Vorstellung Waldbesetzung Heibo” by Libertäre Tage Dresden (Sept. 18, 2022, 4 p.m. → Sept. 17, 2022, 4 p.m.)
- “Und dann Politisierung?! Momente, Prozesse, Reflektionen” by Libertäre Tage Dresden (Sept. 17, 2022, 4 p.m., Main Hall → Sept. 17, 2022, 8:30 p.m., Seminar room)
- “Radical Resilience - Film” by Libertäre Tage Dresden (Sept. 16, 2022, 10 p.m. → Sept. 16, 2022, 10:15 p.m.)
Version 0.1 Sept. 10, 2022
first snapshots